Register Software
How to Install and Register Unichip Software.
At this point, we will assume that you already downloaded and installed the Unichip Tuning Software.
1 – Click the Dastek Icon on your computer’s Desktop to run the software. If you run the Unichip software for the first time, the user information window will open
2 – Carefully fill-out all the fields and press the OK button, see sample data below
- You cannot change these details afterward, and if the details aren’t correct you will not be able to register the program! Click on OK when all details are correct.
- IMPORTANT! We can only register Unichip software in the USA
- TIP: If your company name is too long then abbreviate it for example
- Joe’s Custome Tuning could be JCT
- Only use standard characters A-Z a-z 0-9
- Fill-out all fields
3 – The next step is to generate the registration.txt file. After clicking OK the registration window will open. Click on “Register Now” – (See Window Below)
4 – With the registration window open. Click on “Generate File.”
IMPORTANT! Press the generate file only once. If you do press it again the software will generate a new registration file that will not match the unlock code.
5 – Click on OK when the information message shows.
6 – Now press Exit on the registration form. Enter the program once unregistered.
7 – Open your C: drive, there you will find the UniQ directory. Find a file called registration.txt.
8 – Upload the registration file via the “Request an Unlock Code Form“
9 – We will send our unlock code via email. Once you received the unlock key open the registration form again and copy and paste the unlock key in the space provided. Press the “unlock” button and your program will be registered.